Friday, December 16, 2005

Men.. you must do something to redeem your gender...

Ok... so living in res I am around plenty of other young people, many of them male, and I'm not gonna lie, they never cease to continue to amaze me on so many different levels... let's take tonite for example...

During finals they have a snack for us at 9:45 every night to sustain us through the late nights, etc. So all of us were down in the cafeteria including our three main characters.. we have a dating couple.. let's call them Jack and Jane, who both live in res. And then some random punk kid, apparently a friend of one of the res guys, we'll call him DP (as in disgusting perve) . He's consumed a small amount of alcohol earlier in the evening, and is feeling a little less inhibited than usual perhaps. He has already been acting suggestively towards the females, but so far has been fairly harmless. Everyone is hanging out.. eating our rice cripsy squares, chatting and generally having a good time.

I'm on the opposite side of the cafeteria from the group in which Jack, Jill are hanging out. DP approaches their group and proceeds to make some kind of random comment, I look up just in time to see him take a huge slap/grab of Jill's rear end. I am instantly taken aback at this initial action, but not half as digusted as I would be with what was to come next. Jill's boyfriend Jack, who is standing right next to her and has encountered this whole thing first hand... does.. nothing. No reaction whatsoever.. He doesn't defend her honor, doesn't seem surprised or upset by this at all... I'm speechless at this point..

Now Jill is the type of girl who would never want to make a scene or seem uptight so she doesn't say anything but is visibly upset and uncomfortable. First because she has just been violated and second because her boyfriend seems to find it perfectly acceptable. Jill being one of my res homegirls, I'm not going to just let this slide.. So I head on over to take care of business and maybe rough up this 4 foot nothing perverted little punk, since apparently Jack isn't man enough to do it himself.. Luckily for the sick little jerk his friend grabs him and they head out the door (likely to find further means of intoxicating themselves) and are gone before I get across the room. And so I must be satisfied with at least consoling Jill and glaring icily at Jack.. Another ridiculous thing about this situation is that there were plenty of other guys and girls around who also witnessed this and didn't say anything until I came over and expressed my horror.. at which point the surrounding people ernestly agreed... infuriorating me further...

Things like this are simply stunning to me... I'm not even sure what else to say about this besides that people are cowards. A poor little 95 pound girl gets felt up in the cafeteria and no one makes a peep for fear of breaking from the crowd. This isn't only for the guys, the girls were just as bad.

Seeing situations like this makes me even more determined that if I ever encounter similar situations I will refuse to remain silent regardless of whether it is my own personal business or not. I don't care if you think it's my business, I'll make it my business when I see people disrespecting each other like we're all a bunch of dirty crap- flinging apes or something...

I know that there are nice good guys out there, I know some personally. But seriously, in general I've been sorely dissapointed from my experiences.. especially this year in res..

I think Darwin was on to something when he suggested sterilization for people deemed "incompetent"......


At 2:53 PM, Blogger Brian Anthony said...

almost as bad as letting some random girl getting slapped around by her pimp/boyfriend/brother.......

At 12:35 AM, Blogger Jenner said...

Sorry I changed my template and it automatically erased my links


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